Whilst enormously fun, mind-altering substances do precious little for productivity, so we’re unlikely to encounter any rocking horse people chowing down on marshmallow pies until the weekend at the very least. In lieu of such hallucinogenic misdemeanours, perennial doodler Jon Burgerman and German photographer Kirsten Becken have bashed their respective creative minds together – inviting you to climb in the back of their very own newspaper taxi.
Fashion and frivolous illustration make perfect bedfellows in this cognition-disturbing psychedelic series; their girl with kaleidoscope eyes a well-heeled bohemian type clad in a mix of high-street and high-end fashions. Perhaps if fashion shoots were as brilliantly vivid and whimsically seductive as this in their day, John and Paul may not have required the chemical assistance in crafting such perfect pop songs, and Ringo may never have been allowed anywhere near the mic. One can dream.

Illustration: Jon Burgerman
Photography: Kirsten Becken
Styling: LIDA LUND
Models: Elisa @SEEDS, Luisa @Aquamarine
Make-Up & hair: Phuong Thai
(Hat tip: It’s Nice That)