Israeli photographic duo Wyse + Gabriely arrive at London’s Neu Gallery in February in an attention-grabbing presentation by NO WAY.
Aviya Wyse works with traditional darkroom techniques to produce her chiaroscuro images, while her partner Yaeli Gabriely employs a digital process, stitching together numerous images into a seamless whole. The former uses strangers she approaches on the street or on the bus as her models (don’t try that at home), forming a narrative of nameless subjects. Not airbrushed, seductively posed or glamorously situated, the images are as honest as you like, and sometimes more so. Where modern media presents an endless stream of instantly forgettable imagery concerned with the female form, Wyse gives it to the viewer straight. Gabriely, on the other hand, appears in many of her own images, manipulated and often unrecognisable in reference to fashion and advertising photography, chucking in a bit of the grotesque for good measure.
The gallery is hosting an immersive display of the pair’s photographic work in its main area, with a second space devoted to the video performance works Spitting and Hugging, and the event runs from 1 February (private view) to 14 February.