Oh Paris. Yeah Paris, you. You’ve got that joie de vivre; that ability to coat on an extra layer of epicurean swish to everything you do. Places like Alcazar, with all their continental swagger, manifest that abstract indefinable that I’m loathe to call … Parisian chic.

But this is Paris, a place where clichés fizzle into the fabric of the city, a city that is somehow built on a cliché that never quite becomes clichéd. Fresh from a major overhaul, the restaurant at 62 rue Mazarine is a window into this phenomenon, this unparalleled situation where uttering a city’s name alone can conjure aesthetics and cultural extravagance.
Turning over its keys to architect and interior designer Laura Gonzalez for a three month period at the end of last year, Alcazar is back with a decadent spirit, and an Instagram-ready look; lush greenery, terrazzo, marble, and brass dominate a space that dances to the tune of yesteryear. Peer through the flora to photographic art; kick back on chocolate-hued leather banquettes with a weighty fashion house tome; prop up a marble bar on a wicker stool. Live Paris.

Photography, Francis Amiand