It may not be as spectacularly warped as his Las Vegas Center for Brain Health that we featured last year, but at 870 feet tall – and now the tallest residential tower in the Western Hemisphere – New York by Gehry was never going to be.
What famed ‘starchitect’ Frank Gehry has done however, is create one of the most breathtakingly original skyscrapers that you may see for some years, if not decades. The elegantly waved, stainless-steel façade looks at times a delicate veil, rippling in the wind, whilst at others a distorted Gotham-esque, surrealist’s wet-dream, as the tower’s unique twists and turns reflect the changing light of the day.
Spectacularly individual, yet seemingly popular with the often fickle locals – the New York Times, architecture critic Nicolai Ouroussoff has declared it “the finest skyscraper to rise in New York since Eero Saarinen’s CBS building went up 46 years ago” and New Yorker magazine’s Paul Goldberger offering that it’s “the first thing built downtown since [1913] that actually deserves to stand beside [the Woolworth Building]” – Gehry’s 76-storey skyscraper is a new icon for perhaps the world’s most famous skyline…

All photography copyright dbox for Gehry Partners, except image 3, Emmett Hume