As our lives continue to revolve increasingly around online content, there’s a growing trend for apps and inventions that integrate our offline worlds with our online worlds. But, as televisions are tweeting and cars are wirelessly syncing, Leonardo da Vinci’s proclamation that “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” has never been more apt. Enter London design studio BERG and their Little Printer. The first in a planned family of products that will bring tangible offerings from your smartphone, using their BERG Cloud ‘nervous system’, Little Printer will work with the likes of Google, Foursquare and The Guardian to create a beautifully designed, personalised micro-newspaper. Reminders, shopping lists, personal notes, places to meet, training trackers; it’s all there to be printed multiple times daily at the push of a button, and all before we even begin to talk about how insatiably cute the little blighter is…