With echoes of a couple of recently featured establishments – the black and gold elegance of L.A’s Tsujita and the honeycombed glitz of Wonderwall’s OZONE at Hong Kong’s Ritz-Carlton – but more than a strong identity of its own, Turin’s VyTA Boulangerie is the latest in a chain of decidedly swanky bakeries that have already cropped up in Rome and Milan.
With a concept inspired by the history and simplicity of bread-making, architect Daniela Colli, has chosen shapes and materials that recall the most “minimal” product that sits on our table; the three-dimensional pattern of the walls is a contemporary update of a bread-shape typical to the 1700s and the counter’s hood architecturally invokes a woven bread-basket. Whether you buy in to the ‘concept’, or just appreciate sumptuous eye-candy – we always pretend to fall into the former but are invariably guilty of the latter – the reality remains that ColliDanielArchitetto‘s shimmeringly glamorous designs make for one of the world’s prettiest modern bakeries…