Ornamental plates. Making somewhat of a comeback they are. No longer are they the preserve of your blue-rinsed grandma and Royal wedding souvenirs. It was only the other week Katie was writing about The New English – “the Vivienne Westwood of tableware” – in her Design Geekery column, and not long before that we’d featured a chintz meets augmented reality mashup in our Weekend Edit. None of which, may we add, have taken the trend quite so far as our latest stuff crush…
Dirty Dishes are just that. Smut on a plate. This is as far from the traditional ornamental plate as your granny could dare to imagine. Quite where the idea to place soft-porn on a plate came from we can only wonder, but the outcome is as witty, brave and – dare we say – stylish as you could possibly imagine. Of course this is no triple X-grade imported in a brown paper bag malarkey from deepest, darkest Amsterdam; it’s a splendidly soft focus throw back to the sort of thing, gulp, your dad may have enjoyed as a young teen, and with names like Roxy and Ingrid, Mel and Steve and Leslie and Denise, they’e actually every bit as kitsch as the aforementioned Charles and Di commemoration plates. But so, so much more cool…