Retro-tech. The kids can’t get enough of it. Cassettes look cool – a damn sight better than CDs anyway. And those brightly coloured things we put them inside in the 80s? Just too très-cool for old skool. But, in reality, the 3 1/2 inch floppies and 8-bit Game Boys of our youth are pretty useless. In fact, they may as well be made of paper for all the use they are.
This may or may (almost definitely) not be the thinking behind this work from young Nancy-based designers Zim & Zou – it seems it’s more likely just an excuse to show off their wickedly adept origami skills – but one thing’s for sure; retro-tech makes for undeniably good eye-candy. Especially when crafted from wonderfully childlike, neon paper by a pair of stupidly talented young artists. A year in the making – and still ongoing – there may be no rhyme nor reason, but long may it continue…