Hong Kong-based Peony Yip is a young lady with high standards. Her effortless illustration work is both delicately beautiful, and whimsically haunting. It’s inspirational stuff, but she still refers to herself as an “imperfect amateur” – we had to find out more…

Can you tell us a little about Peony Yip?
I’m a college graduate living in Hong Kong. I guess I’m not so different from anyone else, though I do feel very fortunate with where I am and what I have. I’m a very closed off person, meaning I don’t like to go out much or socialize or drink or smoke or party. I hold quite a high expectation for myself especially when it comes to my art.

Who, or what, is The White Deer?
The White Deer is a name or more like a brand I’ve given myself as an illustrator. It holds no special meaning other than what I hold truly as one of my favorite colours and animal.

You describe yourself as an “imperfect amateur”, where do you see your style going – what’s the long term plan?
I guess I call myself the “imperfect amateur” because I feel as if I have plenty to learn and improve and I don’t want people to take the wrong idea that I’m a professional and I’m not the type to brag. I can never tell where my style is going but I will say that it will be simple, quite minimal, and something attached with emotional elements. The long term plan is to keep doing what I’m doing, hopefully with no pressure and no stress, and see where that takes me.

Animals, pop culture and pain seem to be a recurring theme in your work – is there anything meaningful tying these themes together?
Ah, well animals have always been and will always amaze me in different ways. They relax me, they make up for the stupid things that humans do. I know I’m being too forward but humans always find a way to bring stupidity to another level. With animals, everything is just one way. They’re born, they grow, they prey and they breed, which is everything so naturally done. That’s why I like tying them to my drawings, kind of a reminder or a statement.
As for pop culture and pain, I guess it’s because they are something I’ve been exposed to or something that I can allow people to relate to.

Which artists inspire you?
I’ve never really had my foot set on one, but it’s usually similar people like me but maybe with more success. Just people with amazing creativity and ideas that are underrated.

Who would you most like to work with?
I’d love to work with or work for a lot of bands. It’d be an honor.
What brings a smile to your face?
A grumpy look on a cat’s face.