Robot toys are cool. We know this already. Seems the chaps behind super-hip London and Manchester bookstore Magma Books do too. Having teamed up with London-based Laurence King Publishing to devise a new range of gifts, Make Your Own Robot is an irresistible box full of joy – and, thanks to designs from big names in cool, like Jon Burgerman, David Shrigley, Donna Wilson and eBoy, it’s also a box full of style, wit, and designery goodness.
With envelopes for each flat-packed designer robot, and 3 blank sheets from which to fashion your own little mechanical life-forms, they may well make the best greetings card the world has ever seen. Our advice? Stay selfish, bin the envelopes and keep the interchangeable little fellas to yourself – there’s scant room for altruism with eye-popping design this good.
* What’s more, is the kind folk at Laurence King have given us 3 boxes to give away to our lovely readers – simply head over to our Facebook page, and leave a comment on the Make Your Own Robot post. 3 winners will be chosen from random on Tuesday at 9am BST…