Over in the Mexican city of Monterrey, local design studio Savvy have taken things a bit too far. Cakes, chocolate, sweet gooey indulgences… it’s bad enough resisting temptation as it is. But these bastards have gone and made a whole shop that’s good enough to eat. A table with a gloopy, dripping leg, picture frames that trickle down the walls and a big hunk of chocolate splashed on the counter… the indulgent touches to an otherwise clinical space add character, charm, and temptation. You don’t have to be a dog to want to set about gnawing on the leg of that table.
Overseeing branding, visual identity, packaging – and, of course, interiors – the good folk at Savvy have transformed Cioccolato from a pastry boutique to a design destination. This is design that reaches out and grabs you by the throat, ramming calories down it with gay abandon.