The Eagle Eye Cherrys amongst you will have spotted an interview we did with a certain Mr James Lavelle earlier this week, discussing the latest incarnation of his Daydreaming with… concept over in Hong Kong. One of the artists who were commissioned for original works were London-based duo Clarke & Reilly – a pair who are at the beating heart of coalescing art, design and interiors; their 8 Chairs demonstrating how reinterpreting found furniture can result in work beautiful enough to be placed in a gallery.
Their white room at Lavelle’s gargantuan Hong Kong exhibition is the stuff of whimsical fairytales, innocent yet strangely haunting. In short, it’s both beautiful and compelling. We spoke to the duo to find out more about the collaboration, and just who exactly they are…
Daydreaming with… The Hong Kong Edition, presented by Future Industries. Open at the ArtistTree, Hong Kong, until 7th June.

Daydreaming with… installation
Photo © Alice Su
Who, or what, is Clarke & Reilly – can you give us the elevator pitch?
We (David and Bridget) work as an artist duo. Our medium/starting point is furniture…found furniture which we re-interpret using a narrative, historical knowledge, craftsmanship…
What you do seems a little removed from what Daydreaming with… is known for – how did you become involved, and what are you bringing to the table?
We have known James for many years personally. He came by our studio and we happened to be building this white room which we had been working on for a while and it just went from there. It was at a time when James had a white space/room in his head so it was quite organic really. We were coming from completely different places but he invited us to do this and it just came together.
Were you aware of the project before you started working with them?
We had been to the first Daydreaming With.. at Haunch Of Venison in 2010 and to the installation in St Michaels Church {Of Doug Foster’s Work}

8 Chairs

Daydreaming with… installation
Photo © Alice Su
You blur the lines between interiors, design and art – was this always the intention, and where do you feel most comfortable being categorised?
We dont think in terms of lines because we don’t really comfortably slot in anywhere – that makes it easier in a way. We try and do what feels natural to us at the time rather than trying to fit into any specific category.
The Daydreaming with… concept is to produce something based around a piece of music, can you tell us a little about how this process has worked so far – is this a first for you?
A lot of our narrative is built around what we are listening to – for this particular piece – James’ music symbolised the person in our head – awkward/aut of focus and on a loop. When we met in our studio, A piece of classical music happened to be playing (hence the strings from Unkle).
Yes… a first.

8 Chairs

Daydreaming with… installation
Photo © Alice Su
Do you think being involved in this smelting pot of creative disciplines will have any effect on your work going forward?
You pick up on everything in some way and that will somehow be reflected at a later stage.
What’s Next For Clarke & Reilly?
An 8 chair installation, in the middle of a desert in the Joshua Tree…