In a world full of insipid, paint-by-numbers collaborations, where celebrity flatulence is bottled and branded without even so much as a bum cheek raised; it’s always a welcome relief to see a meeting of minds that yields thoughtful and fascinating results. New York artist Tom Sachs – famed for his eccentric, DIY recreations of modern icons – and global big-hitters Nike, may sound like an unlikely partnership; but Sach’s fragile playfulness has brought a touching human quality to a very space-aged collaboration.
Coinciding with the artist’s SPACE PROGRAM: MARS project, a four week lo-fi “mission to Mars” that’s taking over New York’s Wade Thompson Drill Hall, NIKECraft sees materials from automotive air bags, mainsails for boats, and an actual space suit, being used for the first time in sportswear – all adorned with Sach’s signature ramshackle humour. Running at the Park Avenue Armory ’til 17th June, Tom Sachs’ intriguing mission is a fascinating insight into the rigours of space travel, whilst NIKECraft – available at select international locations (including 1948 London, and Dover Street Market) – is a curious look at how fashion, sportswear and the final frontier can coexist.