I Made It For You, London


I Made It For You, London

A charming little oasis of nice...

Nice. It’s not an overly used word these days, is it? Is it that nice isn’t cool? We’re all for wielding nail studded baseball bats at conformity, and bashing the shit out of convention – but what if you want to take a break from all that genre-blurring madness, and just have a bloody pot of tea? In a teacup. With some fairy lights in glass jars. Yeah, what if you just want a bit of nice? After Katie featured shop-cum-café Pitfield London last month, a young lady called Eimear Hanratty got in touch – presenting her design for another bundle of quaint on the same Hoxton street.

I Made it for You is a 12 bore shotgun of nice… there’s spoons for doorhandles, and teacups for lampshades. This is the sort of café you’d take home to meet your parents. Hanratty’s simplistic palette of reused materials makes for warm, welcome space. Sure, it’s nice, really bloody nice – but it’s cool too. Its elegant ramshackle nature is quirky and playful, its muted colour palette sophisticated yet calming. Don’t be afraid of nice, everybody needs a bit of it sometimes.

* I Made It For You is permanently closed.

I Made It For You, London I Made It For You, London I Made It For You, London I Made It For You, London I Made It For You, London I Made It For You, London I Made It For You, London

Photography © Ben Broomfield