Gloomy? Grim? Clinically depressed? Then you must live in Britain, where the country’s weather contrives to dampen even the liveliest spirits with one of the worst examples of a summer since Noah was a lad. If you’re fed up with asking “what’s the forecast like for tomorrow?” when you already know the answer is going to be “shite”, then the latest installation from Troika could be just the tonic you’ve been waiting for.
Removing all the uncertainty, and therefore all the hope which will inevitably be crushed by another drizzle-filled day, The Weather Yesterday, in London’s Hoxton Square, turns a quintessentially British obsession on its head by looking backwards instead of forwards. Using a load of LEDs that can be configured to show any combination of conditions, the five-metre aluminium structure may not be offering breaking news, but at least it’s less depressing than checking your smartphone and knowing you’re being lied to by over-optimistic weather apps.
On display until September 9th.