Window displays, interiors, exhibitions and festival tents are just some of the beneficiaries of Lord Whitney‘s magic touch of prop-making, set design, photography and imagination. The duo of Amy Lord and Rebekah Whitney fashion real-life illustrations from whatever curious odds and sods they can lay their hands on – no coat-hanger, shuttlecock or lampshade is spared.
Channelling the classic British wit and whimsy of Roald Dahl, Victorian sideshows and eccentric aristocrats; the Leeds-based duo have a bright future of madness, absurdity and brilliance ahead of them – we caught up with Lord (and) Whitney to talk Create GB…

Art directed wall created for online shop Supermarket Sarah,
where a selection of Lord Whitney props are available
Where’s your hometown, and where are you based now?
Originally Whitney is from ‘Costa Del Slough’ and Lord is from Macclesfield, ‘Winner of the 2004 most uncultured town competition’. We now both reside in the magical land of Leeds.
Do you think location affects creativity?
Yes, but in a positive way. It should inspire creativity rather than stiffle it.
Is Britain’s creative industry too London-centric?
When we left university in 2006 it was very much the opinion that London was where you went to be creative, but being stubborn adoptees of Yorkshire we both made a conscious decision to stay. Although staying in Leeds may have changed the opportunities we have had, it has also given us different opportunites and the freedom to make our own path. We feel very privileged to be part of a great creative and collaborative community up North.
How would you describe British creativity?
Eccentric, playful and innovative

Where in Britain do you feel most inspired?
In our studio in Leeds with a cup tea, surrounded by our weird and wonderful curios.
The top 3 British creatives who have inspired you?
Peter Blake, Roald Dahl and the legend that is David Bowie
Will you be watching the Olympics?
Of course. Although we are mainly excited by the opening and closing ceremonies.
Which sport would you like to compete in at London 2012?
Expressive dance.

You couldn’t live without…
Our two studio essentials, a cup of Yorkshire tea and gaffa tape.
What makes you smile?
Big dancing, glitter, gin, cats, festivals, lunging, gnarwhals, taxidermy birds, cloaks and capes.
The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given…
Stop faffing, get cracking.
We’re going to the pub and we’re buying, what are you drinking?
No, please put you’re money away, we’re buying!
What’s next for you?
Another cup of tea, possibly a biscuit then world domination.