Banging the heads of collage and illustration together like they were naughty school-kids, designer Simon Cook – aka Stone and Spear – has won accolades from, amongst others, Creative Review, Dazed and Computer Arts for his work for a list of clients that include Universal Records, Givenchy and The Big Issue. It’s easy to see why, there’s a youthful swagger to Cook’s work that is surely lapped up by the fashion and music industries – his fusion of psychedelia, futurism and surrealist humour carries an infectious aesthetic. You’re left wanting more, much more.
We spoke to the exciting young designer about his work, British creativity and banger and mash…

Where’s your hometown, and where are you based now?
Worthing / London.
Do you think location affects creativity?
In different ways. Growing up in a small town, I was always searching to escape that monotonous routine of day-to-day life. Bit of a dreamer.
Is Britain’s creative industry too London-centric?
No way.
How would you describe British creativity?
Eclectic, fresh and exciting.
Has being British had an effect on your discipline?
Without doubt, British culture has shaped the way I look at things. Inspired by nostalgic memories and childhood experiences, I tend to look back in order to look forward. Classic British traditions and historic events all play a part.

The Swinging ’60s, Punk, Hacienda-era Manchester… is there one period of intense British creativity that you’d like to have been a part of, and why?
Psychedelic era – ’60s/’70s. I like exploring dreams, the imagination, and the opposite of reality. Dead trippy.
Are there any quintessential British traditions that inform your work?
The circus, fun-fairs, car boot sales and family crests.
Where in Britain do you feel most inspired?
Hunting in charity shops.
If you could collaborate with one GB creative, from any field, who would it be, and why?
Photographer, John Stezaker. His artwork oozes elegance, appropriating lost and found imagery, to create witty juxtapositions. He adopts the content and contexts of original imagery to convey his own poignant meanings. His sense of humor, and interest in Surrealism, is incredible.
If creativity was an Olympic sport, who’s the one person you’d want to represent Britain on the global stage?
Eduardo Paolozzi. Hands down.
Which sport would you like to compete in at London 2012?
Wrestling. CHOCKSLAM.

You couldn’t live without…
Pick ‘n’ mix.
The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given…
Everything happens for a reason.
Fish and chips, Cornish pasties… what’s your favourite British dish?
Bangers and mash. Loads of mustard.
We’re going to the pub and we’re buying, what are you drinking?
Pint. Cheers.
What’s next for you?
Upcoming exhibitions, some secret projects and the first Stone and Spear homeware range is coming! All go.