If you’re planning to hold the world’s governments hostage for $50billion with a space death ray, here’s where to hide out while you’re doing your plotting. There’s more than a touch of the Bond villain about Villa Extramuros, but in the best possible way.*
Located in the countryside outside Arraiolos, Portugal, the imposing yet cleverly trisected whitewashed building sits in a haven of olive groves and grazing meadows. The accommodation, furnished in a modern style but not a generic one, consists of only 5 rooms but each benefits from panoramic views. It’s these spectacular vistas that are the Extramuros’ biggest attraction. The building has been designed with all the rooms on the first floor, with a letterbox-style gap in the terrace wall framing the surrounding scenery to stunning effect.
Downstairs there are two terraced communal areas with comfortable seating and possibly sliding doors out of which intercontinental ballistic missiles might pop**, cool sheltered spots out of the sun, and the whole place has a airy, spacious yet secluded feel. Excellent…
* I’d recommend renting the whole place if your villainy budget allows. You don’t want anyone tipping off Interpol.
** But they probably don’t.

Photography, Alex Gempeler and Adrià Goula