Eeeeh, hostels weren’t like this in my day. Pestilent flea pits, most of them. Mind you, I was at the £3-a-night end of the market, and beggars can’t be choosers. Still, times are changing, and thankfully for those travellers with light wallets hostel no longer means horror story.
Presumable branded with one eye on the Twitterverse, #bunk is a budget bed-and-breakfast option in Istanbul which cuts no corners on the design front. Set in the trendy area of Beyoglu (naturally), the hostel is the first in what the five partners hope will progress into a chain of hostels; a second venue is already in the pipeline. Said partners have used their respective skills to make #bunk happen, from the architecture to interior design.
#bunk looks lovely from the outside, and keeps getting better. From the salvage-style little tables to the polished sliding lift doors (the ones from the old films that look like they’d take a finger off), there’s loads of retro in here, but the overall feel is very contemporary, thanks to the soft furnishings and wall murals. We also love what they’ve done with the ceilings – the list goes on. This hostel is definitely no Turkey. I’ll get my coat.