Our partnership with Swire Hotels, and their very own culture and design blog You’d Be Much Better Here, continues this week as they celebrate the launch of their latest Asian property.
“A business hotel with life” runs the strapline at Beijing’s latest luxury hotel. Much like its sister hotel in Hong Kong, EAST Beijing is just that – a business hotel with a difference… where calming interiors meet mouth-watering lifestyle options with striking contemporary design; Feast and Xian are restaurants that would stand out at any international hotel.
Paperless check-in, and out, a one-stop “guest experience” team, executive lounge – with unparalleled views – on the 25th floor and close proximity to both Beijing International Capital Airport and the Central Business District; it ticks all the boxes for the business traveller, but thanks to Swire Hotels’ knowing eye for detail, it ticks an awful lot more too.