Ah, Lolcats! Both funny and bizarre, they’re responsible for much of the planet’s many hours spent slacking off at work. An internet sensation, the cheeky moggies are posted by anyone and everyone – and now, they’re the inspiration for LOLCAT – THE EXHIBISHUN, but, can they take the lo-fi aesthetic of genuine Lolcats and translate their essence into genuine art?
Presented by Soapbox & Sons the group art show explores the weird and wonderful world of the Usenet-vibe internet phenomenon. Opening 23rd January at The Framers Gallery in Central London, expect all things cat related – from screen prints to poetry, through animation and photography; the multi-disciplinary exhibition will donate a whopping 50% off all proceeds to Battersea Dogs & Cats Home. Artists include Delme Rosser, James McKenzie-Blyth, Lizzie Mary Cullen, Manuel Archain and 12Foot6 – along with poets, musicians and Lolcat-obsessed guest speakers.
With the help from Artefact Picture Framers, among others, this new-year exhibition aims to achieve two things – to have fun (injecting fresh life into the iconic meme), and to raise money for the many pets that Battersea needs to care for everyday. You can even go so far as to get involved, by Tweeting #LolcatExhibishun using the Lolcat translator, you know you want to!

James McKenzie-Blyth, Katnip Ninja

Matt Harvey, Nyan Cat in Sydney

Martin Parris, Morphism II

Manuel Archain, Smallest Cat in the World

Delme Rosser Jezuzcat

Victoria Kochowski, Memes Scarf

Peter Hawkes, Hypno Kitteh

Paul McAnelly, Casper MCANELLY_CASPER