You’ll be fascinated to know that I’ve just started learning Spanish, and while I can tell you that the men are eating apples, I had to cheat to find out Montero means Huntsman, a name which sits perfectly with the game interior of this Mexican border restaurant.
Branded with line drawings of desert foxes and rabbits, this colonial interior has plenty of homely charm thanks to the weather-beaten wood, unfussy ceramics and exposed stonework from interior gurus Anagrama. We’ve hearted their wonderful white work before in this San Pedro pâtisserie and this print boutique, but they’ve gone with a much more traditional aesthetic with this latest project.
Outside there’s an eating area partitioned with cactii, which you’d think could be cheesy but manages to sidestep Mexicana pastiche. A few ornate touches elevate this restaurant a notch or two, such as the chandelier set into a lovely wooden ceiling and the wall mirrors in their gilded frames, plus some downright modern chairs in the courtyard. There’s also some nice architecture in the form of the door and window arches. Definitely on my list for a visit. Better get practising. Los hombres comen las manzanas…