Anyone familiar with the space-bending trickery of MC Escher’s art will have no trouble spotting his influence in this room by Joey Ho Design.
Located in Kowloon, Hong Kong, this restaurant – at the city’s Olympian City shopping centre – wears its inspiration from the Dutchman with pride. There may not be any seemingly impossible staircases to solve in order to get to the loo, but here Ho and his team have turned the conventional order of floor-walls-ceiling on its head in a similar way to Escher. The ceiling is dotted with arched windows and balconies in gold which wrap around to the walls, and the clever use of black and white creates ever more layers and dimensions to the surfaces.
The rich red of the seating helps keep everything grounded and stops the diners from spinning out of control and losing their lunches. An entertaining place to entertain, and if your guest is a bore, at least you have a good excuse for staring at the ceiling…