The circle is a versatile shape, deceptively simple yet open to endless manipulation, which is the central premise of designer Daphna Laurens‘ new collection of furniture entitled, you’ve guessed it, Cirkel (ok, maybe you didn’t guess the spelling, unless you’re Dutch).
Clipping it, twisting it, warping it, or just letting it be, this most basic shape takes on a new life in Laurens’ imagination. Inspired by the Deco period and the Bauhaus movement’s Laszlo Nagy in particular, this set of furniture, both basic and yet sophisticated, uses all manner of subtle embellishments to create an effect that has at its core an oft-overlooked quality these days – these are objects you would actually like to have in your home, and more than that, you would want to use them.
The wood that forms the backbone of the pieces, maple oak and walnut, is attractive, with a lovely tactility to the grains and veneers. We particularly like the leaning lamp, which props itself against the wall as if peering through into your neighbour’s living room. A round of applause for this collection…

Photography, Mike Roelofs