How would you like to take a group of friends out for dinner and really get immersed in the cookery process, following top-tier chefs as they create your dishes, and even lending a hand yourself? You would? Then read on.
Aimed at relationship building through cookery, Aveqia in Farringdon, London, allows guests to roll up their sleeves and get involved, led by Michelin-starred chefs from around the world. How such highly-skilled perfectionists can tolerate a group of bumbling businessmen from Barnet hacking away at their ingredients is beyond us, but they do.
If this restaurant with a twist has something of the Swedish kitchen showroom about it, that’s no accident. The collaborative cookery venue started life with restaurants in Stockholm and Gothenburg, and architect Jenny Andersson has brought together the two traditional elements of a kitchen dining area, melding top-of-the-line equipment with home-style farmhouse feel furniture, to make one coherent experience. Once the cooking is completed and the eating ended, there’s a nice simply furnished little bar in which to cogitate, discuss and digest the evening’s happenings. One interactive dining experience. YES CHEF!