Champagne and hotdogs? Of Course! Why has no-one thought of it before? Well probably because champagne is (largely) overpriced shit, and hotdogs are (usually) made from the mechanically-recovered fifth quarter of some extremely unfortunate pig.
But not in this case, not at Bubbledogs where the manager is Sandia Chang and the head chef is James Knappett, well on their way to becoming the restaurant equivalent of a Posh and Becks, having met whilst working at Thomas Keller’s Per Se and gone on to the world’s number one restaurant, Noma. Post-modern food/drink combination plus famous restaurateurs? You can hear the tills ringing from 20 miles away.
That’s enough about the concept, or I’m liable to start getting sarcastic. Let’s have a look at the design of the place, located on London’s Charlotte Street, much more wine bar than restaurant judging by the seating arrangement. Nostalgia-inducing stools are arranged around raised rough wood tables or wall rails, and there’s even some scaffolding to be found. A lovely copper bar (that you probably won’t get to see in the flesh unless you peer through the window when the place is closed) is where the champagne flows, old bottle cases hold the unlikely condiments, and the dog element is dealt with via some cartoon pictures dotted around the walls.
All very nice, but I think I’ll wait for the whisky and tripe joint opening round the corner soon.