If you’re in the market for a new shopping experience, one that fuses retail with art, and which redefines the way you view product displays, look no further than Damage Playground in Rotterdam.
The founders of this extraordinary creation, brothers Alexandre and Anibal Furtado, have thrown out the traditional conventions of men’s fashion retail, coming up with something that can genuinely call itself unique. It’s difficult to tell where the product placement ends and the art begins, such is the skill with which the displays have been arranged, and in fact there is no clear boundary.
The minimalist design features a gallery element, with canvasses, projections and prints meshing perfectly with inventive neo-mannequins, dressed to the nines in the latest clobber from a whole host of the latest, hippest brands, and softly-lit cabinets of accessories.
You may never be able to bring yourselves to set foot in Burtons again.