Rather like the rich gentleman in the Foster’s advert who has apparently spent all the sandwich money on beer, it appears the owners of Sal Curioso have spent all their PR money on extra refinements to the interior of their new Hong Kong restaurant. Word-of-mouth is the new trend – self-promotion is a bit vulgar after all – but with a venue as industrially urbane as this, right in the middle of the action on the corner of Wyndham Street, it’s a fair bet that the discreet Latin-American, tapas-style joint will be packing in the professional set in no time.
Said owners are Woolly Pig, who are also behind the successful Madame Sixty Ate restaurant. This sibling is an understated affair, with a muted grey scheme brought to life with some great detailing. We especially love the hand-drawn curios that adorn the walls – very inventive and something to keep your mind occupied while your date drones on about the afternoon’s strategy meeting. Other highlights are the mosaic-like bar tiles, again hand-painted and imported from Mexico. Sal Curioso, shy but surprisingly spicy.