Pay heed faithful readers, with the mega-bucks marketing budgets of international corporations twisting one arm, and one too many a mulled wine and bratwurst cocktail repressing any remaining cynicism by way of a Santa-booted foot to the head – we’re reluctantly declaring Christmas 2012 as officially open. Let the floodgates of kitsch, wrapping paper, over-consumption and seasonal excess open, and wash us grudgingly with their forced cheer.

The Gif That Keeps On Giving
by Kristian Hammerstad
Fellow design obsessives in a giving mood may wish to point their browsers in the direction of Christmas GIFs, a seasonal reservoir of assembled designers’ Yuletide wares. Celebrating that finest and most enduring internet phenomenon – the humble animated GIF – there’s more than enough material to warm the cockles of even the most disinclined festive comrade’s heart. Exceptional works from top design talent like Kristian Hammerstad, Paul Layzell and Supermundane bring us humping reindeer, mutating Father Christmases and plentiful other frames of psychedelic holiday treats.
Curated by designer Ryan Todd, and built by London studio Enjoythis, Christmas GIFs is on the hunt for submissions too – so if you’re in the mood to drop the cynicism (not too much, of course) and celebrate our declaration in creative style, here’s the place to indulge. For everyone else, send your friends a few frames of festive fun. Now.

Rooftop Rollin’
by Ryan Todd

Secret Santa
by Alex Grigg

SLAMta Claus
by Paul Layzell

Ho Ho Ho!
by Tane Williams

The Way Christmas Makes Me Feel
by Elliot Dear

Santa in Disguise
by Toby Triumph

Guenille Noël dans la Prairie
by Nicolas Ménard

The Christougenniatiko Dentrophobic Bauble
by Supermundane