If you thought a handbag was just a leather version of a plastic bag to carry stuff about in, shame on you! You’ve obviously not been watching enough Sex and the City. Super-luxury examples go for thousands upon thousands of pounds, queues form for the latest collections, fights break out. Fights. Over bags.
As towering, unrefutable proof of the importance of the handbag, here’s a museum dedicated to the iconic fashion accessory – the Simone Handbag Museum in Seoul – and to be fair it’s host to an incredible collection of design history of huge interest, even if you don’t know your Luis Vuitton from your Louis Theroux. As a piece of architecture it’s pretty darned special as well.
You’ll have noticed what the brilliant building, by Korean architects UAD, has been designed to look like. This is because it is in fact a purpose-built venue for all things handbag related, commissioned by Simone, a firm that produces bags with a host of A-list designers. As well as the two-storey museum, there will be shops and Simone’s offices – contained inside the giant main pocket. All over Manhattan, real-life Carrie Bradshaws are booking flights to Seoul as we speak…