You may (make that should) remember the myriad charms of the Hotel Daniel Vienna that we featured back in October – we certainly did, so much so that it nagged away at us until we had to go back for a closer look, in particular at their shop area. If there are any cynics reading, the answer is no, we are not on commission. We just likes what we likes, and we likes this place.
In keeping with the free-flowing philosophy of the hotel in general, the shop area sort of starts at the hotel reception, which doubles as the shop counter. It’s made from a 1960s shoe shop cabinet, the glass display chaotically crammed with all manner of bits and bobs. The fixtures continue inventively throughout the retail space – old crates, pallets, and even washing machine drums serve to display the specially designed and branded products, which range from the useful (in travelling terms) to the purely decorative, but which fit the surroundings perfectly.
As for the non-consumers, they can just take a load off on the great armchair-sofa-swing thing at the bakery, and soak up the nostalgic atmosphere.