Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

231,639,853, 2012
Joshua Citarella
Chromogenic print
58 x 85 cm / 23 x 33.5 in

LondonArt & Culture

Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

Post-production trickery creates photography debate...

In the world of digital photography, which has the most influence over the image – the photographer, the camera equipment, or the post-production software? The answer isn’t clear cut, and it’s a conundrum that is examined in a collection of work called Brush It In at London’s Flowers Gallery, looking specifically at the Photoshop effect and the meta-language that has been born from the Adobe product’s phenomenal success.

Going way beyond the capabilities of traditional darkroom techniques, the six artists – Joshua Citarella, Fleur van Dodewaard, Christiane Feser, Darren Har vey-Regan, Antonio Marguet and Anne de Vries – have produced images that once again ignite the debate as to whether the empirical truth of an image is lost with post-production trickery, or whether the altered image is as viable a piece of work as a virgin one.

Far be it from us to answer it for you; as an online magazine we’re obviously quite keen on technology, and really like these physics-defying, space-bending images, but have a look and decide for yourself. Brush It In, curated by Lorenzo Durantini, runs until 5th January.

Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

Santa Barbara New Car Scent, 2011
Antonio Marguet
Chromogenic print
107 x 92 cm
Edition: 5

Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery


Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

126,270,089, 2012
Joshua Citarella
Chromogenic print
60 x 90 cm
Edition: 3

Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

Skew Merge Curves Clone, 2012
Joshua Citarella
Chromogenic print
66 x 83 cm
Edition: 5

Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

More or Less Obvious Forms, 2012
Darren Harvey-Regan
C-type print
61 x 54 cm
Edition: 5

Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

CAVE2CAVE MG_1286, 2010
Anne de Vries
UV print on mirrorfoil
140 x 95 cm
Edition: 3

Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

The Halt, 2011
Darren Harvey-Regan
C-type print with axe
54 x 43 cm
Edition: 5

Brush It In, at Flowers Gallery

Study for a Black Nude, 2011
Fleur van Dodewaard
Archival inkjet print
135 x 90 cm
Edition: 5