Occasionally an artist takes umbrage at our opinion of their work – the more sensitive souls need only to read a single word askance before they are firing off litigious emails to We Heart HQ demanding a full retraction and a re-write that kisses their ring in the manner their genius deserves. However, we’re going to go out on a limb with Jaimie Warren‘s new collection The Whoas of Female Tragedy II and assume she won’t be offended if we use the word “daft” to describe her humorously constructed tableaux.
The buxom Kansas City artist has tongue buried in cheek as she recreates, distorts and sends up celebrities and other famous images by recreating them with herself as the protagonist, aided by some off-the-wall (and in Zsa Zsa Gabor’s case, off-the-floor) prosthetics and make up, as well as a few of her friends who round out the ensembles where necessary. The Hole gallery in NYC is the place to find Lasagne Del Rey, Pretzel Rod Stewart and a host of other twisted re-imaginings, until February 9.

Jaimie Warren
Matza Zsa Gabor by mz and breadpeople, 2012
Digital C-print

Self-portrait as Yoda in L’admiration
by William-Adolphe Bouguereau/ Yoda Borguereau by Mandrak
(Art History Series)
color photograph, 2012

Self-portrait as Stevie Dinner Wonder
by food’lebrities (Food’lebrities Series)
color photograph, 2012

Self-portrait as naked lady in The Syndics of the Amsterdam Drapers’ Guild by Rembrandt/ Gentlemens Club by Mundo
(Art History Series)
color photograph, 2012

Self-portrait as Lasagna Del Rey by thestrutny
(Celebrities as Food Series)
color photograph, 2012

Jaimie Warren
elf-portrait as Grilled Cheese Virgin Mary / Self-portrait as
Bernadette Peters in Grilled Cheese Virgin Mary Totally
Looks Like Bernadette Peters by caspmct, 2012
color photograph

Jaimie Warren
Self-portrait as Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation in
Pietà by Giovanni Bellini / Trek Pieta by Deborahb, 2012
color photograph

Self-Portrait as Tiffany Pollard
New York/Self-portrait as Janice in Tiffany Pollard
New York Totally Looks Like Janice by BuckyKatt
(TotallyLooksLike.com Series)
color photographs, 2012