It’s one thing to shun the conventions of bar design, and quite another to turn them completely on their head. Those who’ve experienced Steve Smith’s venues before, for example Smack and The Duke Terrace, shouldn’t be surprised at his approach, even if they are surprised at the end result.
Call him non-conformist, call him wilfully contrary, the result is always interesting. His latest Leamington Spa bar – actually a radical refit of a 10 year-old bar with a loyal following – will divide opinion even more than his previous projects, but it is precisely this drive to be different that will pull in the crowds. You’ll have noticed by now that the functional and comfy-looking furniture in Moo is all bolted to the ceiling, leaving the earth-bound drinkers with minimalist glass display cabinets for seats and tables which look like they could administer a painful buttock laceration to any disorientated punter who sits down to forcefully in a state of dizzy disorientation.
Fear not, ‘elf and safety have done their due diligence, and there’s no chance of being stabbed by a shattered seat or brained by a falling Chesterfield landing on your head. You might find yourself a bit giddy, however, while getting the drinks in; three cameras filming the action inside Moo project their images upside down on screens behind the bar, making the room look the right way up and the customers like they’re dancing on the ceiling. I’ll be in the corner, holding onto something tightly…