It seems like anyone who is anyone in the street art world is making the transition to gallery exhibitions – maybe it’s the free sandwiches – and the latest star to step out of the urban jungle is Remio, although his camouflage is still firmly in place.
This mysterious character, born on a small island in Norway, rose to renown through his sunglasses wearing tag character R, with its various expressions of happiness and intimidation, and although Remio’s style is evolving, conveying emotion is still at the core of his work. This exhibition, Man in Transition, is self-explanatory in message; the changing moods of the self as portrayed by his balloon-headed creations.
While the facial expressions, if we can call them that, are simplistic, the real message comes from the artist’s use of colour in the twisted spaghetti mess that represents the mind’s inner workings. Remio is baring his sole at the Guerrero Gallery, San Fransisco, until 2nd April.