Ten years old already hey? How quickly they grow, it only seems like yesterday since…. yeah all right, you know where we’re going with this; and if you’re ageing as quickly as some of the increasingly creaky We Hearters, you’ll be horrified to hear that electronic monster label Ed Banger is celebrating ten vinyl-spinning revolutions around the sun in April this year.
The good news is that art director So Me has had a proper record-shop style rummage through his personal photographic archives, and assembled a nostalgic time trip spanning the label’s lifetime. Capturing revellers and performers in various states of gig-induced ecstasy and ruin, the collection – Travail Famille Party – is being shown as an exhibition in the distinctly un-Parisian sounding Red Bull Space, 12 rue du Mail, from 1st – 5th April, and is also being preserved for posterity in book form. Among the scenes of joyful chaos are dotted some more personal moments of So Me (aka Bertrand de Langeron), who had a hand in pretty much every aspect of the label’s creative processes – and can be counted as one of the most influential figures in the history of electronic music. A very happy birthday from We Heart, and keep Banging Eds.