If there’s anyone who knows the trials and tribulations, sleepless nights and slavish dedication required to produce an art and design publication, We Heart does. To be honest it’s a perverse pleasure to know that someone else has been through the pain, and it’s with a congratulatory (and sympathetic) pat on the back that we greet the fourth issue of Creative Future.
Eight months in the making, this publication describes itself as more curatorial project than magazine, a collaboration of artists more than a commercial enterprise. With just 300 copies available, it’s certainly an exclusive release, but those lucky enough to get their hands on a copy can look forward to contributions by Steven Harrington, Jeff Staple, Above, Toykyo & Case Studyo, Luis Gispert and Jeb Allred. It’s available from creativefuturemag.com with a release date of 13th February at 3pm Eastern Time – that’s one of them there American time zones – so copies will already be flying off the virtual shelf. Get clicking!