Well respected and much-decorated illustrator and graphic designer Bob Gill is going strong well into his 80s – we hope Bob (probably should be Mr Gill to the likes of us) won’t mind us mentioning that he’s getting on a bit these days, but is clearly still happy in his work – a fact borne out by our pictures of him cheerfully grafting away in the studio on six new hand-painted prints that came about from a collaboration with Print Club London.
As well as penning a dozen or so books and earning a couple of lifetime achievement awards, Gill was a founding member of mega-design studio Pentagram and later D&AD. Along the way he squeezed in exhibitions of his work in major museums and picked up quite a reputation for his lectures.
The graphic design icon brought his silk screen prints along to Print Club to finish using watercolour and pen – and has done 15 of each design, which are on sale through the Dalston print gurus at £850 a pop. Basement bar Ruby’s is opening in Miller’s Avenue for a launch event on 28th March – get yourself on the list over at printclublondon.com – after which Bob’s work can be viewed at the gallery until 8th April.