Occupying a peculiar space somewhere between the crappy band logos you used to scribble on your 3rd year maths text books and a pop-art genius suffering the after effects of a heavy night drinking JD and listening to Eddie Van Halen solos – Philadelphia-based Thom Lessner produces low-brow art that, at times, could even make your thirteen year-old self cringe; but somehow gets away with it with an odd brand of panache.
Lessner’s favourite band are The Darkness… I actually can’t think of anything to finish that sentence with – just deal with that information, and let’s move on. There’s nothing to see here. That slight aside, the Philly artist from Ohio recalls the dazzling days of 1980s hair metal and FM rock with a naïvety that’s instantly infectious – his slapdash cartoons of the likes of David Lee Roth and Judas Priest make you want to pump your leather and stud clad gloves into the air with gay abandon.
Finding some time out amongst working for brands like Snickers, Warner Brothers and Obey; Thom is currently on tour with his band, Sweatheart – we caught up with him for a little chat…

Hi Thom, in 2001 you were convinced to take up drawing for a living – what were you doing before then, how long has art been a part of what you do?
I was just hangin’. I played in a lot of bands; ’80s power pop stuff, skateboarded and worked at pizza shops. Pretty much lived the dream. I’ve felt creative and been making things or writing songs for as long as I can remember.
Safe to say, that music (more importantly: spandex clad, fists in the air rock music) is pretty integral to your work – what was your first record?
Motley Crüe Shout at the Devil, Beastie Boys License to Ill, Ramones debut.
You’ve gone from rock school posters to working for some of the biggest magazines and brands around, what piece of work, or professional achievement, are you most proud of?
The Darkness video I did last year was a great feeling. Favorite band, complete control to do whatever, and working with the best crew.

You’re on tour with your band at the moment – can you tell us a little about them? I presume you don’t do Coldplay covers…
No Coldplay covers but we do a Whitesnake tune, they’re British right? It’s a lifetime band, it feels like I’ve done it forever and will do it forever. My (soon to be) wife’s the singer and everyone else involved is a best friend. We’re gonna be hangin’ anyway so we might as well be holding guitars.
Any tips for surviving on the road..
Mainly just like who you’re with, know what you and everybody wants and enjoy it. I love it out there sincerely.
If you had the opportunity to collaborate with one creative, who would that be; and why?
I’d want to work with an incredible costume maker/stylist on a look for my band. That’s something I care deeply about but always gets neglected. We do our best to be as exciting as we can but I know there’s more to come.

What annoys you?
Any forthcoming projects or exhibitions you’d care to share with us?
I’m doing the decor for my sister’s new hotdog restaurant in Ohio; Dirty Franks. It’s the second one, so I’ve got to top what I did the first time which is very exciting. And I’m gonna get married soon.