David Ostrowski’s latest collection is the kind of contemporary art that will have the more conservative critics shaking their fists in rage, but we like to let our readers make up their own minds, especially when we’re fairly sure the artist has his tongue firmly in his cheek with I’m OK. Moments later he was shot.
References to Seinfeld’s George Costanza and his “everybody’s doing something, so we’ll do nothing” philosophy make us think Ostrowski, who recently exhibited at Berlin’s Peres Projects gallery, is indulging in what is known in layman’s terms as taking the piss, while in more arty terms, we’re told that he “is trying to reduce his own decision making and let his physical actions rule, in a constant struggle to unlearn and rediscover.” The works in this collection certainly don’t overtax the eye in terms of visual stimulus, especially given that the large canvases are on show at the huge 500 square metre new space on Karl-Marx-Allee – but there’s a definite allure in their barren composition. The exhibition runs until 13th April.