Toshio Saeki is billed as ‘The Master of Japanese Erotica’, and who are we to argue? Well to be honest there’s not much in the way of eroticism that I can see, but it might just be me. Horses for courses and all that. Where others see the erotic, this writer sees the grimly humorous, menacing, squeamish, subversive, definitely thought-provoking, if you want to get all deep about it. But positively anti-erotic from where I’m somewhat nervously standing.
Whatever you get from Saeki’s work, it’s undeniably got something. Presenting a very modern take on Shunga (traditional Japanese erotica) merged with surrealism and comic book art, the 67-year-old uses shocking neon colours to ram home (no pun intended) his at-times-shocking scenes of sexual deviancy. He’s probably not a favourite of the feminists – the ladies seem to be coming off worst in most scenes – but this exhibition at The Print House Gallery, London, in collaboration with No Way and Ghostown, will certainly have its admirers. There is original work on sale starting at £80 if you don’t mind scandalising your dinner guests, and the event, featuring silkscreen, letterpress and original ink pieces, runs until 1st May.

Images © Toshio Saeki, courtesy NO WAY,
in association with Ghostown