The UK government missed a trick here – instead of banning smoking in public places, require venues to build an 11-metre wall of greenery to suck up all the smoke and breathe out freshness in its place. Problem solved.
At first glance the concept of a restaurant centred around vegetables, health foods and what-have-you is not the most obvious addition to the super-modern Eurovea development on the banks of the Danube, but a quick look inside Mercado reveals plenty of urban industrial to the design to go with the rustic produce. Grey, grey and more grey is enlivened with sprouts of green from chairs and boxes of actual greenery in the form of fruit, veg and flora. The plant life stretches to 20 species, including some edible herbs used in the fittingly super-modern sounding dishes, and there is even an innovative but sadly non-alcoholic use found for the otherwise healthy produce – the Frankovka blue rose grape cider. Sounds…interesting!