Readers who watch a lot of Casualty might, like us, be worried about the girl’s hairsprayed barnet going up in flames off that gas hob. But then we all realise these are photographs, frozen moments in time, and THERE’S NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. Sorry, it’s been a long week and it’s only Tuesday. Anyway, these glamorous scenes laced with seediness and a hint of danger are the work of Miles Aldridge, from his collection I Only Want You to Love Me, published by Rizzoli.
The Londoner’s photographs hum with colour, his women are knockout beautiful… so why does something feel so wrong? Super-glitz meets kitchen sink drama, Aldridge is always asking questions of his viewer, never letting them get comfortable with what he shows them, corroding the perfect gloss with an acidic coating. Somerset House in London is staging the biggest exhibition of the artist’s work to date, from 10th July – 29th September, and if you’d like to get your mitts on an Aldridge, the Brancolini Grimaldi gallery (also in London) is holding a selling exhibition concurrently, 12th July – 28th September.

Miles Aldridge,
Rizzoli New York,