I know nothing about jewellery. Don’t wear it, don’t buy it, don’t even notice it unless someone is wearing a pair of Pat Butcher earrings. That being said, if your average High Street jeweller’s had a bit more of what MICA in Mexico has (thanks to trusty Mexican designers Savvy), I wouldn’t be so quick to charge past it on my way to Burger King.
A colour scheme so sharp you could cut yourself on it is backdrop to some interesting display stands influenced by Sol Lewitt’s Variations of Incomplete Open Cubes, representing the amorphous nature of rocks, and there’s also a good deal of complete cubes that form a wooden frame into which glass display cases have been fitted. And the jewellery itself? This is not your average oversized commercial confessional box for the guilty man, these offbeat designs are as tantalisingly fresh as the quirky store design that houses them. Anyone wanting to have a closer look should head to the city of San Pedro, Nuevo Leon.