Thisispaper is an online magazine with unwavering simplicity in its aesthetic, its masthead barely visible, its content curated to a fine point of clean lines, desaturated imagery and honest design that can be believed in. In short, it’s one of the loveliest sites around. Little wonder then, that their first foray into the real world carries a similarly resolute intention. Inspired by a disdain for mass-consumerism and “the relentless quest for new products that satisfy artificially created needs”, the folk at Thisispaper set about their sewing machines with purposeful intent – a range of bags and rucksacks that aligned with their beliefs was the fruits of their labour, but the bug had bitten, they couldn’t help themselves.
Why stop at bags? Why stop at all? The online curators have found a new calling; “no everyday item is too dull or too unglamorous to be carefully designed, handcrafted and loved” is their mantra, the Thisispaper Shop their yield. The initial range is joined by kitchenware, slippers, odds and sods like scissors and laundry pegs; even bicycle bits like toe straps and tools have been given the Thisispaper wash of hand-made integrity. Reasonably-priced, thoughtful, ethically sourced materials, impeccably-designed… the stylish mob behind this Warsaw-based creative empire must be feeling rather smug with themselves right now.

Photo, Thisispaper Shop

Photo, Jerzy Fudali

Photo, Thisispaper Shop

Photo, Jerzy Fudali

Photo, Thisispaper Shop

Photo, Julia Kubisty

Photo, Julia Kubisty

Photo, Thisispaper Shop

Photo, Jerzy Fudali

Photo, Julia Kubisty

Photo, Julia Kubisty

Photo, Jerzy Fudali

Photo, Jerzy Fudali

Photo, Julia Kubisty

Photo, Thisispaper Shop