Any pillocks who still think it’s grim up north obviously haven’t been paying attention for the last couple of decades, and in Open Lifestyle Store we have another piece of compelling evidence that style doesn’t stop at the Watford Gap – or any other Gap for that matter. This independent venture in Leeds, selling almost everything the modern gentleman could wish for, is coming up to its first birthday, and it’s many happy returns from We Heart.
When we say modern, we don’t mean modish. Open Lifestyle sells clothes that won’t look daft in six months; stylish and contemporary yes, slavishly fashionable? Owners Tom and Daniel hope not, and they take a lot of care picking their stuff out from worldwide sources you would struggle to find otherwise. Apart from the clothing, there’s endless other wallet-opening goodies to tickle your fancy at Open Lifestyle, and all delivered in a handsome package. The outside of the store has all the class of a gentleman’s outfitters, and inside has bags of rugged charm thanks to a wooden interior that looks it’ll be around for a couple of hundred more birthdays. Did someone say cake?

Photography, Giles Smith