A mess hall: A sweaty little lean-to full of soldiers scoffing down their rations before heading out into battle, yes? Well turn that scenario on its head and you may be able to imagine Opposite Mess Hall in Bangkok, as far from canvas tented slumming it as you could get.
No gas lit gloom to be seen here, but rather a dining room which carries the torch of light triumphantly, as a major strength in fact. WTF have been around a while in Bangkok, being (ir)responsible for The Opposite Bar, and the Opposite Mess Hall doesn’t stand on ceremony like its older siblings. Informal yes, but not without a dollop of sophistication, bathed in a white gold glow from its open kitchen, surrounded by its ingredients in jars, and relaxed enough to offer the guilty pleasure of a smoking room for the pariahs still clinging to their habits. The food at Opposite Mess Hall is European Asian fusion, the address is beyond our understanding, but our orders are to present yourselves front and centre ASAP.