RE (prefix): again. A versatile little piece of English put to great use at this café bar in the Greek port of Thessaloniki. Retro might be the best description of RE, a chance to enjoy a second childhood – or adolescence, depending on your age. Minas Kosmidis of Architecture in Concept is the guide on a colourful trip down memory lane with a mixture of music, games and seminal moments from the second half of last century. Have a look at that wall of nostalgia just inside the slender entrance for examples such as Hendrix, Monroe and LEGO; it’s a jigsaw of framed pictures, illustrations and 3D objects, viewable from the sofa sitters underneath via a mirror of prefixed words cleverly placed opposite.
Further inside the split level place there’s Connery, Monopoly, Looney Tunes, a rainbow of tiles on the bar and evidence of exceptional(questionable, Ed) taste in football clubs. You can tell this place is harking back to the good old days. When the letters RE crop up at the end of spoken Greek it expresses an energetic emphasis, and that’s in evidence throughout this fun little bar that’s bursting with life. Bit stumped as to why there’s a big green “ostrich” sign up there though. Am I missing a bit of childhood? Anyone?

Photography, Studiovd, N.vavdinoudis – Ch.Dimitriou