Berlin’s Sarah Illenberger is an artist of arrangement; her 3D illustrations are as much about placement as the objects she uses to create them. Her endlessly inventive manipulation of the everyday and mundane is quite something to see – just take her depiction of a heart knitted from wool with its fragile blood vessels and the beautifully smooth hair apple as exhibits A and B.
Reality & Fantasy is a collaboration with L.A. film maker Miho Kinomura, and features a mix of prints, photography and sculptural installations alongside a video shot by Kinomura in Berlin in a light-hearted but always interesting exhibition. Spatially perfect, the works are head-scratching at times, while other pieces look like the constituent objects that form them were made to be displayed in such a manner. This collection is on show inside the Diesel Art Gallery in Shibuya, Japan, and if you’re passing you can have a look from your own point of view until 16th August.

Photography, Kenichi Mui