We’re big fans of the organisational tool Evernote here at We Heart, in fact it’s fair to say we’d be pretty buggered without it. The Californian firm’s slogan “Remember Everything” is just what the doctor ordered for We Heart, whose slogan could be “Forget Everything”, if we could only remember to adopt a slogan. What were we talking about? Oh yes, Evernote. It seems a few million other people share our love, to the extent that a relocation to bigger premises in Redwood was needed to accommodate the burgeoning workforce.
Since the software is predominantly free we aren’t talking about a Microsoft-sized budget here, meaning architects Studio O+A had to get things done quickly and cheaply. Driven by these constraints, it decided to make a feature of the construction materials, leaving a lot of bare wood like the Douglas fir cladding the coffee bar. In lieu of an expensive and painterly mural custom chalk artist Dana Tamanachi was drafted in to remind staff on their break time where they were and why. One rather nifty idea we like is cushioned seating on the staircase – so often the place for informal meetings anyway, so why not do it in comfort?

Photography, Jasper Sanidad